Varifies events as being in-range (0), high (+1) or low (-1). These ranges have been calibrated based upone; ICNARC reference ranges, prior evidence (usually case report for exceptional values) or expert opinion. Reference ranges are all found in qref.

verify_range(x = NULL)



an extracted event table


a tibble of the same length as x with the following features:


event is below the defined range of plausibility


event is valid


event is above the defined range of plausibility


## DB Connection db_pth <- system.file("testdata/synthetic_db.sqlite3", package = "inspectEHR") ctn <- connect(sqlite_file = db_pth) ## Pre-requisites core <- make_core(ctn) ## Data item extraction hr <- extract(core, input = "NIHR_HIC_ICU_0108") ## verify Range vhr <- verify_range(hr) head(vhr)
#> # A tibble: 6 x 2 #> event_id range_error #> <int> <int> #> 1 2412851 0 #> 2 2412852 0 #> 3 2412853 0 #> 4 2412854 0 #> 5 2412855 0 #> 6 2412856 0